
One of the most eye opening things we can do as humans on this planet is travel. Traveling is a great way to see and try new things, experience new cultures, and to meet new people with different outlooks on life. One interesting place to visit is Suriname. The language spoken is Dutch, and the surinamese dollar is king. It exists on the South American Tectonic plate and is a land of many wonders offering swamplands, deltas and coastal plains, mountains, volcanoes, and rolling hills. It even has 7 major rivers. Suriname is a tropical place with climes between 28 Celsius to 32 Celsius during the day and reaching a breezy 21 Celsius at night. Be sure to time your travels appropriately as the seasons are a touch different. There are 2 wet seasons with the first and longest between April and August and the second between December and February. In the west coast region, there is approximately 76 inches of rain per year, and 95 inches of rain per year in the eastern region...